
We learn from a press release by FIM-CISL, distributed through the press, that one of our employees was allegedly "fired for being ill".

This is a false accusation that we strongly reject as totally extraneous to the truth of the facts and to the principles of Metalcastello and its management. This has been widely demonstrated in the past and by recent initiatives in favour of its employees, cited in the same FIM-CISL press release, which recalls the Metalcastello campaign in favour of its female workers.

In this specific case, the dismissal by Metalcastello was due to the person's repeated breach of obligations and rules of conduct at work to protect the safety and health of all employees: in particular, the ban on smoking in high risk areas and safety standards generally.

There is no correlation between the worker's health problems and the risk of a fire due to severe negligence that could endanger the safety of people and things, a situation that the company must be vigilant about at all times.

We will not allow this story to be exploited and we reserve the right to evaluate any more appropriate action to protect the image and good name of Metalcastello.

For further information:

Metalcastello Press Office - Life
Anna Morabito - – Mob. 393-8211169

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